Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Personal review of my promotional package

Overall, I think that that my promotional package has been quite successful. I feel that the trailer is conventional, in that it looks authentic due to the attention to detail we applied to the mise-en-scène, which also helps to make the narrative clear. I also think that despite the fact that we sometimes disagreed on ideas, which led to Lucinda's decision to submit a different version of the trailer, we have worked well together as a group in that we clearly and evenly divided group roles between us from the very beginning. We also ensured that, during the filming and editing processes, we took turns to film and tried to edit as a group as much as possible. Furthermore, we made sure to have thorough communication between us so that we were always up to date with the editing that had gone on, even if one of us had been unable to help with editing at one given time. The fact that we always saved changes to the trailer as new copies meant that there were always backdated versions of our trailer, which we made sure to keep up throughout the entire editing process.

One thing that has been unsuccessful is the resolution of our trailer; unfortunately it hasn't come out in the quality we had hoped, despite the fact that the camera was fully in focus when we filmed. Although we did try to solve this problem, by trying to compress the finished trailer into a better quality with the help of some I.T technicians, it unfortunately didn't make any difference.  This is disappointing, but we have come to terms with the fact that there is nothing more we can do; the trailer still looks good, and we don't think that its poor resolution makes this any less apparent.

In terms of my ancillery tasks, I am very pleased with them as I believe synergy is shown between them, as well as through the combination of my ancillery tasks and teaser trailer. Furthermore, I think that I have produced a poster and magazine cover that follow conventions closely and demonstrate a relatively high level of skill on Photoshop, as well as a lot of creativity.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Group evaluation

Here is an overall evaluation that we did as a group, as an addition to the four main evaluation questions:
youtube group evaluation by EmyRoo

Monday, March 26, 2012