Friday, December 23, 2011

Improvements to my poster

Due to the negative feedback I received about the institutional information on my poster, I have taken it into consideration and made some improvements. Here is my final poster:

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ideas brainstorm for soundtrack

Lucinda is the main person in charge of the soundtrack, but I have been brainstorming a few ideas:

1. One idea is to have a soundtrack inspired by traditional Victorian ballroom music; I have found a few videos online which give examples of this: (e.g.)

The only problem with these is that the ballroom music tends to be quite uplifting, which would contrast with our slightly dark storyline.

2. Another idea is to simply resort to sound effects on GarageBand; there are several short soundtracks and instrumentals that fit in with out genre.

3. Finally, after asking around, I have been told to ask someone who is experienced at composing and playing pieces of piano music, as, if we gave him an idea of the sort of thing we wanted, he could help us to come up with something.