Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Production company name market research

Here is some market research we have carried out to help us decide on the name of the production company for our trailer:
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Friday, January 20, 2012

Filming fire shots

Today we filmed the fire shots for our trailer. We took as much care as possible when filming these, and overall we think they have come out quite well. We have added a couple to the trailer, and they look extremely effective; the editing in particular really compliments them.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fire scene risk assessment

As we will be involving scenes including fire in our trailer, we will need to do a risk assessment for this. Although we will try and do this and film it in as safe a way as possible, we need to analyse any potential risks that may be involved. Here is the final risk assessment: 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Final soundtrack

Lucinda has now finished the final soundtrack, which she has made which a piece of music from Garageband, which she then added echoey sound effects to.
We feel that it captures the mood of the tras it is classical piano along with echoey sound effects which give it a mysterious and ominous sound, which is similar to that used at the beginning of the 2011 Jane Eyre trailer:

The classical piano also ties in with the genre of the trailer, as, primarily it was the popular music of the Victorian era, and, secondly, as our trailer is based around flashbacks to an era that could be classed as 'period drama style', it emulates the typical soundtrack of period drama films such as Pride and Prejudice.

Garageband segments we could use for soundtrack

Here are some examples of Garageband segments that we could use for our soundtrack:

Monday, January 16, 2012

Newspaper cuttings

Yesterday I made the newspaper cuttings that we going to film. I have tried to make them as authentic as possible:
Modern and old newspaper cuttings