Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Brainstorm Prezi

Friday, July 15, 2011

Ideas brainstorm

We originally thought about doing a 19th century themed teaser trailer after watching other examples of A2 media coursework teaser trailers, and brainstorming what we could do to make ours different. As the predominant number of A2 teaser trailers on YouTube appeared to be modern horror-themed, we decided to go with an older theme. Furthermore, we have thought about making a trailer which would challenge the typical conventions of its genre. We knew this could be effective if we pulled it off, as, for example, the TV drama "Downton Abbey" tried this and was extremely successful, although it is set in a different century.

We then thought about issues that were present in that era, and the subject of class, things which could potentially play a large part in our trailer:

We have yet to decide the storyline and theme running through our trailer, but this has given us some different ideas to work with, and inspiration.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Interesting factors of different trailers

 Theatrical trailer for Water for Elephants: 
  • High shot, establishing shot, POV shot
  • voices and banging sounds create suspense
  • music starts up – suspense
  • Importance of elements picked – close- up of main character’s faces
  • Elements selected appeal to target audience – beautiful woman, good-looking man

   Pirates of the Caribbean – On Stranger Tides teaser trailer:
  •        Interesting and original – direct mode of address, one of main characters is telling audience about what is going to happen instead of showing lots of clips from it.