Friday, March 23, 2012

Changing text of trailer

We showed our trailer so far to our media class, who all agreed that the narrative was still a little unclear. They suggested that this was due to the text in the trailer being too vague and not specific enough; text such as "It can change you morals" was, they thought, simply being used to convey emotion, when, in fact, the soundtrack helped to convey adequate emotion towards the viewer. They therefore suggested that we use a more direct approach and write clearer, more specific text which explains the narrative better, as well as rearranging the order of some of the shots. This is the final text:

  • Have you ever wanted to delve into your past?
  • What would you do...
  • If you uncovered a dark family secret...
  • That would take you back...
  • To the past?
  •  Hidden for centuries
  • And only now
  • Will you discover
  • The truth
We feel that this conveys the narrative in a much clearer way, but doesn't give away too much of the storyline. We are therefore much happier with this text.

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