Wednesday, June 22, 2011


For my A2 coursework I am going to be working in a group along with two other people, Lucinda Pain and Charlotte Booth, to create a promotional package for a film. This will include making a trailer or teaser trailer as a group, and then two ancillery tasks individually; for the ancillery tasks we have been given the choice between a film magazine cover, a promotional film poster and a film website. As I do not feel I have the skills to create a website, I have therefore decided to make a film magazine cover and a film poster as these involve using a combination of both creative and technical skills, as well as extensive use of Adobe Photoshop, a program that I feel fairly confident using and am eager to improve my knowledge of. I think that this coursework will be extremely challenging, due to, primarily the huge amount of work that goes into making a film trailer, as well as the fact that I will have to create synergy between the trailer and my ancillery tasks and ensure that the whole promotional package looks professional and conventional. Furthermore, I suspect that I will find working in a group quite challenging, as we will all have to agree on ideas etc. However, it is also quite a relief to be working on the trailer as a group, as we will be able to divide the work between the three of us, which will hopefully mean that we are quite organised.

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