Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Moodboard and group roles

This is a moodboard I created when brainstorming typical Victorian fashion, accessories and furniture. As a group we have decided that I will be in charge of costumes and makeup, Charlotte will be in charge of locations and on set photography, and Lucinda will be in charge of directing and hairdressing, as well as being in charge of the soundtrack.
For my role I have so far inquired into where we could get costumes, by asking the school's drama department. They told me to go to Richmond Amateur Dramatic Society, where all costumes from previous plays at the Georgian Theatre were kept and loaned out. We are currently organising a trip down to R.A.D.S, to inquire and get contact details. I am also planning on putting up posters (see below) around the sixth form, advertising our need for costumes; some people do still own old family relics that have been passed down, or have bought antiques from that period of time, so I thought it would be a good idea to potentially use some of these for our trailer. As for hair and makeup, I am going to do some research into typical late-Victorian styles. Here is the poster I have made (using my moodboard to help give other people inspiration):

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