Saturday, October 15, 2011

Jane Eyre trailer analysis (2011)

• Close-up of young Jane
• Name repeated often - lets audience know that she is the protagonist
• Background info of her childhood – first bit of text clarifies this: “from a loveless past”
• No music at first, but sound effects which build up - echoing effects which help to create tension
• When music starts it juxtaposes the images on screen - xylophone - usually associated with uplifting music
Music then changes to string instruments, which fits in more with what is happening on screen
• The way the transition from the young Jane to the older Jane is accompanied by the sound of thunder and lightning is quite effective – dramatic
• Establishing shot of house and woman talking about it – introduces major location in film
• Editing: quick fade into bright light, which then fades into a new image with text. All fades.
• Text is modern

This trailer is a good example of how a character's past is explained in a trailer, which links in with the flashback theme of our trailer. It also gives an insight into the four key areas used in period films, which will be useful to bear in mind for ours.

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