Thursday, October 13, 2011

Update on locations and costumes

Yesterday Charlotte received a reply from Treasurer's House, telling her that unfortunately we won't be able to film there during half term as it is a very busy time for the house in terms of visitors. As this is the place we would most like to film at, we were very disappointed.

However, we have just recieved this email from Aske Hall:

This hopefully means that we will be able to secure a location to film the vast majority of scenes, and as Aske Hall is the nearest of all of our final location choices, it would be a lot more practical.
This is what Charlotte replied:

As for costumes, R.A.D.S have got in touch and told me that they can lend us (all from the Victorian era):
-Maid outfits
-Men's suits for the party scene
But did not really have any:
-Footman's outfit for the poor man
-Ballgown/upper-class party dress
However, she told us that these two things shouldn't be too difficult to create out of clothes from charity shops and existing costumes.
We have organised to meet at R.A.D.S at 12:30 on Wednesday, as unfortunately she is going on holiday next week and this is the only time available to her. Preferably, she would like Lucinda, Charlotte and I to all go so we can discuss the costumes together, and also all of our actors as it would be a lot easier for her to make sure the costumes fit. However, Lucinda and Charlotte will be on an English trip and I still have to ask if any of the actors will be able to make it. If worst comes to worst and it is just me, we have taken measuements of our three main actors.

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