Wednesday, September 7, 2011


To let people know that we needed actors to audition, we put up signs around our sixth form. Several people responded, so we then organised times over a period of three days so that we could auditon them all. The problem we had then was how to go about auditioning people; in the end we decided on getting the auditionees to act out the "keyhole scene", the "drunken scene" and the flirting part of the "party/dancing scene." This is what was given to the auditionees beforehand:


You are a rich girl who lives in the 1800’s, and you are in your late teens.
1: Imagine you are spying on someone through a keyhole and you see something shocking.
2: Imagine you are being watched by a judgemental group of people and you have to pretend to be upset about something.
3: Improvisation

You are a man in his early twenties and you live in the 1800’s.
1: Pretend you are getting drunk in an alley. You drop the bottle and it smashes.
2: Imagine that you are flirting with someone, but in a subtle way.
3: Improvisation

 The improvisation was to see how each of the auditionees interpreted the character they were auditioning for. We then filmed the auditions so that we could watch them back and decide which person would be best for which role. Unfortunately, we are unable to put the audition videos on our blogs, as the I.T technicians responsible for converting the tape somehow managed to lose it, despite the fact that it was correctly labelled. Fortunately, we had already decided which actors to cast after watching the tape back on the camera, which I will go into in another post.

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