Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Here is the plan we have made to organsise the process of constructing our promotional packages:

·         Analyse trailers and get ideas and inspiration
·         Take notes on camera angles, editing techniques, mise-en-scene and sound used in trailers
·         Plan ideas and storyline for our own trailer – decide genre

·         Research trailers of a similar genre to ours and establish conventions of them
·         Make storyboard
·         Research locations and costumes needed/where to get them
·         Audition actors
·         Find/research props
·         Decide on which actors to cast

·         Contact people about costumes/locations
·         Get costumes and confirm locations
·         Research hair and makeup
·         Research film magazines and posters
·         Plan filming dates and book out filming equipment
·         Plan photoshoot
·         Film
·         Do photoshoot for magazines and posters (whilst on location?)

·         Do research into using Final Cut Pro
·         Begin to edit footage
·         Do more research into film magazines and posters
·         Begin print work
·         Research soundtrack and voice-overs/text for trailer

·         Begin to add transitions
·         Find soundtrack
·         Write voice-over/text
·         Cast someone for voice-over/record it (if using one)

·         Finalise editing
·         Finish print work
·         Get audience feedback for trailer and printwork/overall promotional package
·         Blog posts on how we made print work
·         Personal evaluations/group evaluation

We hope that we won't encounter any problems, and will be able to stick to it as closely as possible. 

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