Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Market research

Now that we have come to a decision regarding the name and overall storyline of the film our trailer will be based on, it is necessary to do market research to see what people will think of it, and what suggestions they can give. After spending some time discussing which questions we should ask, these are the ones we came up with:
What is your preferred ratio of institutional information to actual footage? This question concerned the amount of institutional information, such as the name of the production company, for example, compared to the amount of actual footage filmed; we felt that it was important to ask potential viewers how much institutional information they wanted to see in a teaser trailer.
What would you expect from a romantic drama trailer? This was an obvious question, as by knowing what an audience would expect from a trailer, we can hope to fulfill these expectations, as well as find out what we could do to make our trailer original.
What do you think of the name Ménage à Trois? This was to show people's reactions to the name of our "film".
What kind of audience do you think would be interested in a period romantic drama? Again, this question was obvious to as to help establish our target audience.
Would you be interested in watching something like that?
This question was to find out how much interest there was in our film. These are the interviews:

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