Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Name of film and overview of storyline

We have decided upon the name "Ménage à Trois" for our film; this translates from French as "Love Triangle," and the romantic connotations held with the French language emphasise this and create a sense of mystery. The overall storyline was thought up after the brainstorm we did on issues in the Victorian age. We all agreed that the aspect of class and status within that era played a vital role in society, creating strong divides between the wealthy and the working class. We have therefore decided that this is an issue we would like to cover in our trailer, combined with aspects of romance. It would be considered a great scandal in those times if a wealthy young woman of high class was seen to be involved with a poor servant, particularly if a rich man of very high class was also courting her. We wanted to emphasise this "love triangle" by filming confrontation scenes between the two men, in order to show the relationship between the three of them.

A wealthy young woman in her late teens is torn between a steady courtship with a rich Count, and a scandalous romance with one of the servants. The woman cannot decide who she loves most, but continues the secretive scandal without thinking of the consequences. The Count becomes suspicious of the servant and confronts him, leading to the servant denying everything, and later on causing a drunken scene in a bar. We have also taken inspiration and influence from the TV drama Downton Abbey, and have decided on a potentially contreversial scene, but one that we know will work well due to the success of Downton Abbey: there will be a shot of the woman's eye looking through a keyhole, followed by a shot of the two men seen through her eyes. All we will see is their feet moving towards each other rapidly; this will make the audience question whether they are fighting or embracing, encouraging people to watch the film in order to find out. We envisaged following this scene with a mid-shot of the woman waking up from a nightmare; this will act as another incentive, leading the audience to wonder whether or not the previous scene was genuine, or whether it was merely an element of the woman's dream.

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