Friday, November 25, 2011

New addition to storyline

We have been concerned about the fact that our storyline is still a little vague, so we have created a few new elements to it which we believe have improved it dramatically, and made the overall plot a lot more exciting. This is the new storyline:
  • A girl in the 21st century decides to research her ancestors, and finds out about the life of her great great grandmother, who lived in a stately home and was a woman of nobility (close-up of ancestry website)
  • She reads a newspaper cutting with a headline explaining that a Lord has been killed in an "accidental fire" which also damaged the stately home where he was staying (her great great grandmother's house)
  • She then reads a contemporary newspaper cutting, with a headline explaining that the house has been restored to its original state with government funds
  • She goes to the house and finds letters that were previously undiscovered, and are between her great great grandmother and two different men, one a poor butler and one a Lord (who was killed in the fire)
  • Through these letters she discovers the dark romance she had with each of these men, which resulted in a turbulent love triangle between the three of them, born of jealous and bitterness. Such a thing would be scandalous beyond belief in the 19th century.
  • She also discovers a dark secret that her great great grandmother kept to the grave: the jealousy and confrontation between the men, as well as their attempts to hide their own secret love, cause the butler to burn down the lady of nobility's stately home, in which the rich man is residing; this has always been believed to be an accident until the discovery of the letters.
  • The lady of nobility, however, manages to escape the fire, and runs away with the butler, throwing away her title and creating an uproar of scandal. 
  • The 21st century girl is shocked and upset to discover these dark family secrets, and the fact that her great great grandfather is a murderer. 
This kind of narrative is a lot less vague and a lot more complex, which is more conventional to typical period dramas, which can be full of twists involving scandal. This will also mean that our trailer will look a lot more dramatic, as we will be including shots of fire. We plan to do this with simply quick shots of a match being dropped and paper burning, as this will be of the least risk and will also look effective spliced up in our trailer. We will also be making a modern and an old newspaper cutting.

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