Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Change of storyline and name

After doing some research we have come across a problem with our trailer; after looking at existing films set in this era, we realised that there were none we could think of that weren't based on novels or historical events. We talked about this together and did some additional research, which resulted in us deciding on adding an extra scene at the beginning of the trailer. This will be an establishing shot of an elderly woman (Charlotte's grandma could potentially play her) looking through boxes in an attic and finding a diary. There will then be a close-up of the diary, in particular of the date: 12th August 1872, which is around when our trailer will be set. This takes inspiration from films such as "Letters to Juliet", in which the protagonist finds letters written between lovers from several decades before, and sets out to explore their past. This technique of flashbacks is also used in the following successful films, so we know that it wouldn't be a risky decision for ours:
-The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
-Saving Private Ryan
-Open Your Eyes/Vanilla Sky
-Shutter Island
The use of flashbacks can be quite effective, and we can use it to our benefit to create juxtaposition between the current, and nineteenth century, era: modern and old, traditions, what is accepted now that might not have been accepted back then. It will also help to attract our target audience, as our trailer will now have an extra dimension; instead of simply being a period film (which some people dismiss simply because they cannot relate to it), it will now be relatable to a modern day audience, and may leave people questionning, and even exploring, their descendants and the lives they may have led.

Here is the new storyboard:

Another problem we have encountered is the name of our film; after researching it more thoroughly we have discovered that "Ménage à trois" does not mean what we thought it did...! Consequently, we are doing more research so as to come up with several different names that might be fitting for our trailer. We will then do some more market research to help us decide which name to use.

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