Monday, October 31, 2011

Filming at Aske Hall

We met our actors in the centre of Richmond, apart from Peter who we met at the entrance to Aske Hall. The costumes and film equipment took longer to organise and put in the car than initially anticipated, but as they cannot be kept in the car overnight due to potential damage from the damp, we will have to get everything ready and packed in the car a lot further in advance next time. Because of this, we were delayed slightly in arriving, and when we did arrive the hair, makeup and getting into costume also took a while; this left us with only a couple of hours to film in, which turned out not to be a problem as we managed to shoot:
-The confrontation scene
-The shame scene
-The "flirting" scene
-A couple of other shots that we felt would be suitable and effective in the setting, such as Frances running down some stone steps with wind blowing her hair; this created a dramatic shot which looks very good on camera.
Due to the amount we managed to get film in couple of hours, he have decided that we will only need one day to film at Kiplin Hall. We have contacted Dawn to tell her this, which doesn't pose a problem for her.

Here are some of the "on set" photos:

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