Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Costumes are now organised!

Today I had a meeting with someone from R.A.D.S about costumes, who had asked that our whole group went together as well as our actors. Unfortunately Lucinda and Charlotte were on an English trip and the only actor that could come with me was Frances. However, this turned out not to be a problem as I had the other actors' measurements with me, and the only things that really needed trying on were the dresses. Despite having been told that there might not be enough costumes, or not all of the ones we were looking for, there turned out to be everything we needed, which was a big relief as it means that we won't have to buy much (or anything) else, and we won't have to ask for a bursury or fundraise as we only had to pay a £10 donation to hire out the costumes. Furthermore, the member of staff I met there was extremely knowledgable on fashion from different eras, and was able to talk me through which types of clothing people of different class would wear for different occasions in the 19th century; for example, depending on what duties a maid had they wore different types of apron.
The costumes and accessories we have hired out are:
-A ball gown (Frances)
-A day dress and shawl (Frances - these are black, as in Victorian times black clothing was very fashionable, and not just for mourning)
-A pearl bead necklace (Frances)
-An outdoor cloak (Jon)
-An outdoor scarf (Jon)
-An outdoor hat (Jon)
-A dinner suit (Jon)
-A floppy bow tie (Jon - only extremely high class men wore floppy bow ties)
-A footman's tailcoat (Peter)
-Two footman's bow ties in black or white (Peter)
-Waistcoats (Peter and Jon)
-Two serving maid's skirts in black and grey (Charlotte)
-A serving maid's blouse (Charlotte)
-A seving maid's apron (Charlotte)
-A seving maid's cap (Charlotte)

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