Monday, October 31, 2011

Organisation of filming

We have decided to film at Aske Hall on Tuesday 25th, and at Kiplin Hall on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th, which will give us plenty of time to film. We have arranged with our actors to meet in the centre of Richmond at 11:30, where my mum will pick them up to take them to our locations. Unfortunately, having looked at the weather forecast it looks like it will rain and be quite overcast on all three of these days. At Kiplin Hall this won't be a problem as we will be filming inside, but at Aske Hall where we will be filming outside, this could affect our filming. However, the weather could also add to the atmosphere of the trailer by creating "pathetic fallacy" of the dark theme of scandal running through it.
In terms of the equipment we will be using, we have booked out:

-a Sony Handycam DCR-SX53 Charlotte is going to be filming us taking on our different roles)

-a Sony Cybershot (to take photos)

-a Sony Handycam DCR-VX2200 (to film with)

-a tripod
-a camera mic, external mic and boom pole

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