Monday, October 24, 2011

Visit to Kiplin Hall

Yesterday evening we had a meeting with someone at Kiplin Hall, regarding using it as our main location to film in. The woman we spoke to was very interested in what we were doing, and was extremely helpful and enthusiastic about letting us film there. She was able to talk us through the history of the house and rooms, and which period each piece of furniture was from; apart from a couple of rooms that we won't be filming in, the rooms all have Victorian or Georgian furnishings and are ideal for what we will be filming. The inside is lit mostly by chandeliers and is quite dark; however this was due to blinds shut over the windows to protect them from rain, which we will open when we go to film, so hopefully dim lighting won't be a problem. Here are some photos of and information about the house and grounds:

Here are some of the recce shots we took (unfortunately the camera we used was not of a brilliant quality, as we had hoped, so the photos haven't come out very well):
We also did some filming of the outside of the house and grounds:

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